Getting children crafting can be such a great way of interacting together and once they have the bug it’s a great way of helping them grow in so many ways.
Top tips:
- start small – let children experiment and if they are not ready for a stage, go back and forward a bit until you find something that they can achieve with
- be their audience – children love to show off what they can do – be the person who thinks that their crafting efforts are fabulous
- celebrate their success – show all your friends, put it on the fridge, take it into school for show and tell – everyone will be impressed
- become a crafter yourself – if you are learning something together it will have much bigger impact
- seek out an expert – if you happen on something that really inspires them, there will be someone who knows all about your particular craft – a local group – get them to investigate the next steps
- make it fun – the key to getting a craft project finished is to love the process. Don’t rush it – it will come together eventually!
support care love
The insights in this piece are truly valuable and practical